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Welcome to the Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. All our efforts are in support of conservation-related decision making, research and education. Hon David Anderson, Minister of the Environment for Canada, September 2000.
Birds of Newfoundland and Labrador. Birds of Prince Edward Island. Birds of the Northwest Territories. A voice for the northern bird.
The Blomidon Naturalists Society is a field naturalists club centered around the eastern Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia. Members live mostly in Kings County, West Hants, and Eastern Annapolis Counties. We began in 1974 and at present have about 250 family and single members. All of our activities are open to the public.
Pages of Original Presentations and Information. Pages of Original Presentations and Information. I am a retired physicist who enjoys providing information that might be useful to others. I am located in Nova Scotia, Canada. I am a retired from teaching physics and astronomy at the university level but still enjoy sharing what I learn and know with others. I have presented at the Minas Astronomy Group and you can see some of those on the MAG webpages.
Our goal is to protect, conserve, and restore the Bras dOr Lakes.
Volunteer-based online provider since 1994. No need to join anything. Chebucto Plus 56K Dialup Access - no time limits. 2 GB Mailbox, private, no ads or data mining, physically hosted in Halifax under Canadian privacy laws. Spam, scam and virus filtered, securely accessible from anywhere. 10 MB Personal Web Space. How to find us! .
Action is our middle name. Encouraging the development of communities that are in harmony with the natural and social environment, through approaches like planning and natural building. Working towards a Nova Scotia where all coasts and waters are healthy, valued and protected. Promoting research and education around practical approaches to, and education about, renewable energy and energy conservation initiatives.
Great Blue Heron Carving Raffle. Subscribe to the Island Nature Trust newsletter - click here. To join the Island Nature Trust. Tickets are on sale now for a chance to win a love.
Websites - currently on this site. Valley Regional Working Group of N. Young Naturalist Club of Nova Scotia -. Waterville, Kings County, Airport. June 05, 2008, updated Oct 2015.
Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas. A community connected by a love of nature.
Intresserad att kvala in . Vad är ekoturism? En bra idé för naturskydd. Ett urval av de bästa naturresorna i Sverige. Bli tipsad om det senaste! Få information om erbjudanden! Gå med gratis här. 2 Fågelskådning i lugnt tempo. Här är alla naturresor med rabatt.
Séjours Naturopathie Toulouse Haute Garonne. Sur mercredi 16 septembre 2015. Naturopathe expert, spécialisée en micro nut.
NU KAN DU BOKA KONFERENSEN. NU KAN DU BOKA KONFERENSEN. PROMENADER MED MÅL and MENING. VI DUKAR UPP TILL FEST. LUGN, LUGNARE, LUGNAST. KÄRA FÖRETAGARE Låt oss ta hand om dig och dina kunder. Vi har alltid en lösning till just dina önskemål. Hos oss skapar Ni personliga event i avslappnad miljö. Vinter som sommar bjuder våra omgivningar till stor inspiration när det gäller både aktiviteter och mat. Hör av er till oss på telefon 019-189550.
De vilda blommornas dag och årets växt. Posted on 14 juni 2015. Idag är det de vilda blommornas dag då många trevliga blomstervandringar med kunniga guider har genomförts runt om i vårt avlånga land. Vill man däremot gå ut i naturen på egen hand och upptäcka växtligheten, så kan det vara en bra idé att se om man lyckas hitta årets växt 2015 som är ögonpyrola.
Det måste vara jag det! Och det tycker säkert alla som ser mig med påse i ena handen och en gaffel i den andra gåendes i trädgården varje kväll.